Ice Cream Dispensers for Cafés & Restaurants
Offer your customers the perfect treat with our selection of professional ice cream dispensers. Designed for businesses in the food and hospitality industry, these machines provide consistent, high-quality ice cream with ease.
Frozen granita, creams and soft-ice cream dispenser with 2 bowls and touch screen
Ready to serve your business Electronics, design and technology are combined in a single unit.GT Touch can dispense up to 5 products, thanks to its exclusive interactive touch screen: soft ice-cream, frozen yogurt, chilled coffee...
Frozen granita, creams and soft-ice cream dispenser with 1 bowl and touch screen
Ready to serve your business Electronics, design and technology are combined in a single unit.GT Touch can dispense up to 5 products, thanks to its exclusive interactive touch screen: soft ice-cream, frozen yogurt, chilled coffee...